Importance of digital marketing for small businesses

Importance of digital marketing for small businesses

Reach and Accessibility

  • Over 88% of Singaporeans are internet users, with 79% of them being active social media users (We Are Social, 2020).
  • This means that we are able to reach a much larger group of potential customers online than through any other means.
  • Digital marketing also allows consumers to find out about local businesses simply through a Google search; without it, we may lose such customers to competitors with an online presence.
  • With the use of online digital marketing, we can reach a global audience quickly and more affordably compared to traditional marketing methods.


  • Digital marketing allows for easy two-way interactions, allowing small business owners to easily reach out to interested buyers and to engage with customers online.
  • Buyers are also able to easily reach companies to get to know more about the products offered.
  • This allows our audience to get to know the company more personally, building stronger seller-buyer relationships and subsequently brand loyalty.


  • With the implementation of analytics tools in our marketing, we are able to easily inspect responses to our marketing efforts and adjust as required to make it more effective.
  • Social media algorithms also play a big part in ensuring that our ads reach the right people.

digital marketingsmall businesses